Every person involved or associated with Environmental activities/ activities related to the Natural resources of the Country and who is a major can become a member of the Society.
shall be the following classes of Membership of the Society :-
a.Patron Member
b.Life Member
c.Honorary Member
d.Annual Member
shall be the following classes of Membership of the Society :-
a.Patron Member
b.Life Member
c.Honorary Member
d.Annual Member
PATRON MEMBER: Any person who pays Rs. 5,00,000/- as donation will be special life Member with patron status The Society may also co opt any person of Eminence as a Patron; and in such a case no fees is payable.
LIFE MEMBER:Any person who pays Rs. 5,000/- towards subscription shall be the life Member of the Society and shall not be required to pay the annual subscription.
Honorary Member: The Executive Committee may at its discretion adopt individuals as honorary members of the Society without payment of any fees or subscription, such person, who in its opinion, are considered proper and suitable for the furtherance of the objects of the society for a period of one year. The honorary membership can be extended on yearly basis.
Annual Member Any person who pays Rs 1100/- towards annual subscription shall be the annual member, and he shall have voting right so long as his membership is valid.
The Executive Committee of the society can expel any member from the society on the following grounds: a.If the member works against the aims and objects of the society. b.If the member tenders his/her resignation. c.If the member fails to attend three continuous meetings of the general body and Executive Committee , without obtaining leave of absence. d.The reasons of expulsion shall be communicated to every member The executive Committee reserves all the rights to reject any application for membership of the society. without assigning any reason.
The Executive Committee of the society can expel any member from the society on the following grounds: a.If the member works against the aims and objects of the society. b.If the member tenders his/her resignation. c.If the member fails to attend three continuous meetings of the general body and Executive Committee , without obtaining leave of absence. d.The reasons of expulsion shall be communicated to every member The executive Committee reserves all the rights to reject any application for membership of the society. without assigning any reason.