
To strive, endeavour and to create conditions to prepare the younger generation and senior citizens for basic education for Envirowatch in this field to meet the burning need of trained watch groups at each level.

To identify, provide and channelise new techniques and developments and to impart training to personnel from other institutions Government as well as NGOs.

To provide, establish, take over, endow, maintain, control and manage training schools and other institutions.

To provide, organise, equip and conduct training and technical research.

To organise, conduct and manage well equipped Environmental Watch Centres as well as Laboratories and to conduct research, give training and to organise and monitor programs, analyse the samples etc.

To organise and establish multimedia, 24X7 news channels on Envirowatch, produce and exhibit special short films, cartoon films etc.

To print, publish and sell magazines, periodicals, books, pamphlets, to organise periodical lectures, seminars and adopt various other means to propagate further the aims and objects of the Society.

To give loan, scholarships, freeships, prizes and monetary assistance to students and others to help them in their training and career in the areas of the activities of the Society as well as in the area of Environmental Monitoring and control technologies.

What are we good at

conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends
99% Sample analysis
90% Training
81% R & D